Bachelor or Master Degree in Spain2019-01-23T10:22:55+00:00

Higher Education in Spain

Spanish Universities have a long history stretching back to the thirteenth century. Today Spain’s 76 public and private universities offer students a wide range of courses and the opportunity to study at all levels. Universities are found all over the country, but chiefly in the major cities, with a large number of the private universities located in Barcelona and Madrid. The Spanish university system is ranked 5th in the world.

With lower living costs than many other European countries and a fee structure controlled by the Government, Spain is an attractive option for local and foreign students.

Classes are of course normally in Spanish, but in some of the Autonomous regions, such as the Basque country or Galicia, courses are often taught in the minority language as well as Spanish.

However, most Spanish Universities are increasing the number of programmes they offer in English. Students should make sure that the courses that they wish to take are actually going to be in Spanish or English if planning to attend a University in an Autonomous region. Most universities offer language courses in Spanish or the regional languages for students coming from non-Spanish speaking countries.

Our areas of expertise

Bachelor Degree in Spain: Undergraduate Students

Students can take these undergraduate degrees, referred to as the Grado, in: Arts and Humanities, Experimental Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, Engineering and Architecture.

Four years of study are required to accumulate the necessary 240 credits to graduate.

An external placement and an end of degree dissertation are typical parts of the Grado.

At SAS, we provide assistance throughout the whole process of enrolment, from the selection of the studies to the preparation of the necessary documents to apply. We also make sure that the student fulfils all the requirements for the studies before the process is started so that there are no surprises or disappointments.

More info about Undegraduate Students in Spain >

University Master Degree in Spain: Graduate studies

Master Degrees in Spain take one or two years of study and 60 or 120 credits are needed. In addition, a thesis must be prepared and defended. Students at this level are prepared for research, academic work or the professions. International students must be aware that there are two different kind of Master Degrees in Spain:

Official Master Degrees: These degrees are only offered by universities and are validated by the Ministry of Education in Spain. Therefore, they can be validated by any other university system in the world.

University Master Degrees: These degrees are considered professional degrees or vocational degrees. Universities and other higher education institutions can offer them, and they are only certified by the university. The Ministry of Education in Spain does not validate them, and some international students might have problems validating them in their home country.

At SAS we make it possible for our students to apply and get these limited places.

More info about Undegraduate Students in Spain >

Special Programme of Master Degree + Internship with IQS

Study Abroad Services together with one of the most prestigious business schools in Barcelona, IQS- Ramon Llull University, we have put together a semester programme that will include internships.

More info about Undegraduate Students in Spain >